– The period to participate in FishFan Contest has ended with excellent participation results.
– The reach in social networks has exceeded 8 million people worldwide.
Last 30th of September ended the period to participate in FishFan contest, which was organized by FEDEPESCA in collaboration with the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the Agriculture, Food and Environment Ministry, under the slogan “We invest in sustainable fishing”.
This contest has been developed using online media, and its aim was to boost sales and fish consumption, which has a negative tendency for the fourth year in a row. We also wanted to take profit from holidays period, during the summer, thus costumers are normally closer to the coast and consequently they are more in contact with fishery products and fishery experiences.
In light of the above participation has been possible by sharing fishery experiences, recipes, pictures in the moment of purchase of fish and mini- tips about fishery products, using an easy platform available in www.comepescado.com/fishfan/.
With this new format , participation has been possible from any place of the world, at any time, and during 45 days costumers could share their contents with us. Fishfan contest has been a project with international scope, for that reason web contents, regulatory basis and other documents have been translated. Many users have shared their Fish Experiences related with fishery and aquaculture products, and also the knowledge about this products in FishProfessional category. We have obtained excellent participation results with 219 publications in FishExperience Category, and 60 in FishProfessional.
Contestants have been in a high percentage from Spanish origin and they have showed us Spanish Citizens enjoy fish and seafood products. The contest has received both creative and original pictures and videos, and traditional dishes of Spanish Gastronomy. We have also the pleasure to receive other Fish Experiences reflecting fishery products consumption in other countries and cultures or Experiences sent by Spanish costumers during their holidays in foreign countries. Peru, Ecuador, Italy, Japan, Romania, Camerun and many Spanish zones are examples of the settings of the Experiences costumers have shared with us.
Also, we have to say costumers have proved they are experts in fishery products, giving their advices and tricks in FishProfessional Category, and we are sure many people has put them into practice in their homes.
FEDEPESCA used social networks and online media as the main tool to reach the highest diffusion, thus young people and new costumers are very familiarized to this kind of media. The goal was to bring close these costumers to the specialized fish and seafood shops, in a attractive and visual way.
Difussion data have been remarkable. In twitter we have reached 6.730.486 people, and in Facebook 23.778 people. We also should highlight the presence in media, specially on the radio. Many interviews related with FishFan contest have been carried out, for example in Spanish National Radio (RNE), Onda Cero, Cadena Ser, amongst other stations. We also have received support from written media.
Considering all the channels and media where diffusion has been done FishFan project has reached more than 8 million people worldwide.
The winners of the contest are:
– Winer of “Share & Win” category, awarded with a dinner for two in a restaurant specializing in Fishery Products: Juan Fernando López Sevillano from Colmenarejo, Madrid.
– Winner of the raffle amongst all those who have participated in FishExperience and FishProfessional category, awarded with a trip for two includind a Fishery Experience: Gustavo Pérez- Morales López from Madrid.
– Winner of the Jury Prize for FishExperience Category, awarded with a trip for two includind a Fishery Experience: Sergio Enciso Muriel from , who shared a video showing how to cut salmon.
– Winner of the Jury Prize for FishProfessional Category, awarded with a home-delivered seafood platter including wine for two: José Hurtado with his mini-tip “Trust your fishmonger: To enjoy the great diversity of fishery products the best is to be advised by professional fishmongers”
– Winner of the “Popular Prize”, awarded with a 200 € voucher, exchangeable in an associated fish shop: Ana, with 90 shares and “likes” in her publication “how to choose fresh fish”
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all those who have participated. We would like to encourage customers to keep eating fishery products, and we would like to remind that Specialized Fish Retailers Sector is modern, updated and innovative, it is constantly evolving and offers us many services to keep enjoying fishery products, and make it easy for costumers.
FEDEPESCA was founded in 1978, and represents more than 7.200 Fish Retailers Shops, selling fish and frozen products. This shops employ more than 35.000 people. FEDEPESCA’s goal is to defend the interests of the Fish Retailer Sector, and the improvement of its conditions, and also promotes the adaptation to new legal obligations. FEDEPESCA tries to guide its Associated businesses to excellence, and tries to help them to accomplish a fundamental goal in the Food Industry: Food Safety.
During its history FEDEPESCA has carried out numerous activities related with Food Safety. A good example of that are the Guides to Good Hygiene Practice in Fish ,seafood and aquaculture products Retailers Shops validated by AESAN, a traceability implementation system in Fisheries Guide. FEDEPESCA has also developed an informatic app to develop HACCP systems for fisheries.
FEDEPESCA has also published a Guide related with the responsible consumption and a sustainable receipt book, Guides related with Good environmental practices and a research about working conditions for women working in the fish supply chain.
These activities attest the Fish, seafood and aquaculture Spanish retailers commitment with the quality, food safety, the environment and parity.